IHN Bible
Bringing Jesus To The World

We offer a number of ministries to help teach God's truth to all who want to learn.

IHN Bible College

Our school is developed to educate everyone using God's Word, the Bible. The Scriptures are filled with God's instructions to us on how we can live a good and productive life. Life does have its problems, but we can avoid many of them if we would just humble ourselves and follow God's direction. Our college courses are designed to do exactly that. Well, the humbling part is up to each individual. But the education is sound and filled with explanations on God's will for us and how we are to live a life of Jesus. Check out our online school by clicking the button below.

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Biblical Life Skills

Unlike our college courses our Biblical Life Skills site focuses on the everyday skills we need to be successful in life. Many of these skills are taught to us by our parents or guardians. Such things as looking both ways before crossing the street, don't touch the fire, or don't stare at people. God has shown us through His Word and through the example to for us through His Son Jesus. Jesus lived the life God was extremely pleased with. If we could learn from His example or the examples of His followers, we could improve our lives, teach our children the skills they need to navigate through life, and to show others how to follow Jesus.

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We have recently started our online radio station to bring more education and Jesus to the world through the Internet. We stream wonderful Christian music 24 hours a day along with course lectures, Through The Bible broadcasts from J. Vernon McGee, information to point you in an upward direction, and we even have a time for our African leaders to do course lectures in Swahili. We will be expanding our programs as time goes on. Go to the site and click the play button to begin listening. Check out our musical artists and programs to find what you are looking for.

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IHN Support Partners

Join others like yourself who are supporting our ministries financially. Running a school is expensive. Running a radio station is expensive. Web development is expensive. Running a non-profit organization is expensive. All of these expensive endeavors add up to costs we barely cover. Most is done out of our own pockets. Our teachers and workers are all volunteers. We would love to start paying our teachers so they can spend their time focused on teaching. We need your support to help us provide educational materials in remotes areas of the world. Many of our schools in Africa are in areas where there is no Internet, so we depend on those teachers to provide the training and graduations opportunities for those students. Take a look at our partnership program and see if there is a way you can help.

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IHN Space (Christian Social Media)

With all these social media sites out there, filled with negative influences and down-right evil, we felt it would be great to have a social media site just for Christians. We will do everything we can to keep the garbage out and keep the site clean. We simply ask you do the same. We want to promote a safe environment where believers in Jesus can go and share their blessings with others, ask for prayers, inspire one another with God's Word, and so much more.

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Grace of God Fellowship

Grace of God Fellowship is our non-denominational church focused on evangelizing the world, planting churches around the world, and sharing the love of Jesus with one another. We are a mission-oriented faith believing everything the Word of God teaches us. We love unconditionally. We are all sinners and therefore cannot judge. It is truly by the grace of God and the blood shed on the cross by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that we are saved and work to share that salvation with all who would desire it. Check out our site to learn more about us.

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visit our online store and buy something that
motivates you towards a life with Jesus.

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